How to do better
Being a white woman who has grown up in privilege, my challenge to is seeing how my assumptions, actions, and non-action perpetuates the discrimination and lack of equality of people who did not have my advantage. I see it everywhere, and with that, I can change what I do and call it out when I see it with others. This seeing is just the beginning, and I have to keep working to do better. Weaving has a meditative quality, the rhythmic back and forth of the shuttle, lifting of the harnesses by pressing the foot pedals, and pulling of the beater to compress the yarn. Each rotation of these steps is in muscle memory, leaving space to think. Think about what I can do differently, how I can look at things differently.
I’ve been working on more Cotlin towels, not knowing when I might have the chance to do another show. Perhaps I need to look at a different way to make them available. My daughter is a visual artist, and we might collaborate by her putting her drawing images on my woven fabric with embroidery. It may be a match. You’ll want to see it!